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Washington DC Convention Underwriting

Includes Dinner, Patron Section Concert Seating, and Dessert Reception
Includes Patron section seating in concert and dessert reception.

Includes streaming link for individual or group viewing and PDF of the event program.

Annual Tribute Slide Show Information
The annual tribute slide show, formatted for a "widescreen" PowerPoint presentation, will be presented at every opportunity during the conference and on our organizational websites. All ad files are due to the ACC office by May 31. As each computer monitor is slightly different, we suggest formatting your slide based on the PowerPoint parameters for "widescreen 16:9" resolution slides. For half or quarter page slides, we reserve the right to adjust your dimensions to fit correctly in our layout. For single line congratulatory messages, please email the recipient's name and your name. Please email your slide(s) and congratulatory messages to no later than May 31. 

Sat, January 18 2025 18 Tevet 5785